Ryan Weber YouTube

Ryan Weber YouTube

by | Jul 10, 2020 | Client Features | 0 comments

Fitness, Lifestyle Nutrition and A Lot of Valuable Information

So this is not a secret, but I actually switched my diet regiment and training regiment with my client, Ryan Weber to make a change in my life. I was on the Kinobody diet for a solid year and although the Aggressive Fat Loss Program worked for me, the Warrior Shredding did not. I was quickly gaining weight and it caused me to wonder if this was best for me.

Not shredding on Kinobody, the programs are incredible, it just did not work with the goals I have and I had a client with 20+ years of experience and just recently won his 3rd IFbb Masters Championship, it was a no-brainer to ask his opinion. He immediately told me he’s gonna pick a direction and create a Blue Print to help me be more successful with not just my body, but my mind.

You see, fitness did have a connection with business, but after joining Ryan’s Blue Print Coaching, my mission made more sense to me. It also made me more motivated to do better everyday. I lose 45 pounds, gained muscle and am in the best shape of my life, but my direction in business and life is in a better state than it ever has been. I learned so much in the half year I have been under Ryan’s direction than I have in four years in college!

So, now that I can be a testimony to his work, I think a great start to get to know what Ryan can do for you is obviously go to his website, but I think his YouTube channel is booming! He is doing a wonderful job posting videos not just helping you with fitness, nutrition and supplements, but also with lifestyle and mindset. I think that is the edge that will make my client, Ryan Weber so successful in what he does is because he really teaches you things that unlocks your mind and capabilities.

Ryan talks about many topics on his YouTube channel and he posts frequently. Why not go ahead and check it out? Also make sure to subscribe as well for more engaging content if you are looking to enhance your lifestyle altogether. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvrHCARpJGfIAy24-1lXBVw